I've actually had parts of this conversation with a lot of you as we've chatted during your sessions. It has become 'vogue' for photographers to solely focus on giving clients as many digital files as possible, for as cheap as possible. While this may work for some people (like we discussed in our post here), it kind of hurts my soul when that is the only focus. I agree, having digital files is great, but it's the fear that we may end up creating a generation without a visual history that scares me. I have a hard time buying into the idea that digital files have the staying power of prints. I mean, we still have prints from the birth of photography in the 1800's that aren't going away any time soon, but how many of us have lost digital files forever from just a few years ago? That's why our new packaging will be print focused and then also include some digital files. All orders will now come with a web-ready (web resolution & not released for printing) digital download of all printed images for use on social media, putting on your phones, blogging, etc. absolutely FREE!
The other half of this idea is going to sound harsh, but I'll explain. Most good photographers don't want to sell digital files with a print release. I know, most will see that and have a lot to say, but there is a really simple reasoning to reason for that. First, when files are printed from places like Costco or Walmart they will never look as good as when they are printed through the professional labs we use. There is something to be said about the paper quality, color calibration, and quality control that comes from a good lab. Presentation is everything - especially with photography. You and I both want everyone who sees your latest prints to be drooling over how good everything looks. This is why the new pricing will be focused on prints. That way you will have some amazing prints to go along with any digital files you may order. I also understand that prints can be pricy (they certainly cost us a whole lot more than a CD lol), but that is why all of our al-a-carte prints will have options of professional grade prints at varied levels of breathtakingness (I know that's not a real word, but it is the perfect fit). We will have traditional prints, fine art prints, and handmade Giclée prints. In the end, it's about you all looking your best, and everything you take home looking its best.
Speaking of you looking your best, that is what the other trend we are not buying into is all about. Because we want everyone and everything looking rockstar, we will never let anything leave here without giving it a full blown edit. It amazes me that anyone would want anything else. I assume you are choosing us, or any professional of any sort, based on their skills and past successes. Part of that is for a professional to complete the job - a plumber shouldn't leave half way through the job, and that's how it feels when I think about unedited images going out. While they look totally acceptable without it, they need that finishing touch to feel ready to go out into the world - an amazing photographer friend of mine so tactfully refers to her unedited files as her dirty underwear that nobody should ever see. It's too funny, but so true.
Obviously I could write everything I am doing, and everything I am all about in some sort of manifesto, but that would just bore most of you... Instead, I feel like these things are the crux of everything else - hence calling them our "Pillars". They are the strength and foundation of what I promise to deliver each and every time I work with you.
Be sure to check back next week as we bring the awesome and launch!
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