Friday, February 27, 2015

Guest Bloggers & Giving Back - Utah Portrait Photographer

The launch is happening in mere days! I cannot wait to start sharing some of the new products and extras we are bringing in, but this post isn't supposed to be about any of that. This post is about YOU! We are going to be inviting guest bloggers to share insights into things related to photography and portraits as well as things that just may be plain awesome. Do you have wisdom to impart? Are you amazing? Would you want to be one of our guest bloggers? Of course you would!

This is a call for any and all of you to let me know a couple things... First, what kind of things do you want to see on our blog? Second, do you (or someone you know) have skills or knowledge to show off? Then we (the readers and I) want to hear from you!  So please, drop an email, a Facebook message, a carrier pigeon, whatever floats your boat, and tell me about it. If there is a good subject and it's well written I'm game for as many guest bloggers as I can get. Sometimes I get tired of reading my own words - so please put a cork in me!

You've all been so great as this whole transition (read: craziness) from being with Fotogenix, to being a Fotogenix Studio, to independence had been going on over the last year or so. I do this work for you, and because of you. My whole goal is to provide you with an unbeatable personal experience and products that will last for generations. With those sentiments in mind, I want to introduce my plans to give back, but it can't happen without you.

First, I want to have a session each month that we give away the session and a collection to someone deserving. It can be an individual, a family, another business, etc. My only concern is that these sessions go to those who need/deserve it. Maybe they're getting deployed/just got home from deployment. Maybe a family is down on their luck and could use the warm fuzzies. Maybe it's someone who is constantly giving to everyone else and deserves a little something for themselves. Again, I just want to give out the love I have been so blessed to receive from all of you.

Much like the guest bloggers, this gets awesome with your help. Reach out to me and nominate those you think deserve/could use this. Tell me about it, make the case about why they should be the ones.

Second, I'm looking for charity auctions to donate to. This could be a big charity, or it could be your kid's school. I know there are so many out there, but I want to help the ones all of you care about as well. So do you know of an auction I can donate to in your honor? Do you know charities that could use some photographic help? Let me know, I'd love to partner with you!

Thanks again, and I can't wait to hear from all of you! Cheers!

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